Before using aoinan, you need to tell it more about the server it needs to connect to.

By default, MediaWiki servers expose an API endpoint that can be used to query raw data for any page of the wiki. Note that some hosts might rename (or even remove) that endpoint.

const aoinan = require('aoinan');
  server: '',
  path: '/mediawiki',
  cacheLocation: './tmp',
option description Default value
server Root URL to the server hosting the wiki N/A
path Path (relative to server) to the API endpoint N/A
cacheLocation Local path to save API responses ./tmp/cache

Once this call is done, you can call and aoinan.category.


On first call, a copy of the pages will be downloaded in your cacheLocation folder. Subsequent calls will read value from this cache instead of hitting the MediaWiki API.

If you need to clear your cache, delete your cacheLocation folder.