Any .pug file (including layouts), will come bundled with a few mixins to make development easier, but you can also add your own.

Default mixins

img(urlOrPath, [options])

This mixin is very powerful and should be used in place of the regular img tag. It will automatically pass the target url through an image CDN and lazyload it.

Any target path starting with / is interpreted as being relative to the website root. Any other relative path is interpreted as relative to the file calling it. Any remote url (starting with http(s)://), is always handled as a remote resource.


This mixin is meant to be used as part of a layout and will render the whole <head> tag.

It will set all the basic HTML meta tags including <title> and <meta name="description"> as well as the OpenGraph ones. All data will be read from the pages frontmatter, or fallback to anything defined in ./src/_data/meta.json.

Additionally, it will define the favicon and load the CSS file.

You can pass additional custom elements by filling the mixin block like this:

  link(rel="stylesheet" href="")


This mixin is meant to be used as part of a layout and will add all the required <script> tags.

By default webpack splits all vendor dependencies into its own file and any custom script into another. This will make sure to load all the required webpack bundles correctly.

You can pass additional custom scripts by filling the mixin block like this:


Custom mixins

You can add your own mixins by creating a file named ./src/_includes/mixins.pug and adding them there. They will be automatically added to the top of each file.