norska comes bundled with a set of methods directly available in your Pug files.


First of all, lodash is available through the _ variable. I find lodash an incredible toolbox when it comes to JavaScript. Its terse syntax fits really well into Pug templates


By default, Pug has an include statement, but no include() methods, which means you cannot include files dynamically (when the path is saved into a variable).

norska adds this missing piece of functionality. Just include('path/to/file.svg') whenever you need to include another file.

Paths are considered relative to the ./src root.

Also note that you can recursively include .pug files, and they will be correctly compiled and transformed to HTML.

markdown(content, options)

The markdown() methods converts any Markdown text into its HTML version. This can prove incredibly useful when a simple .md file is not enough and you need to add some Markdown content as part of a more complex layout.

The optional second argument, options can accept the following keys

Key Description Default
imgUrlPrefix Prefix to add to all img src values, for when image links are relative ''


The screenshot() methods returns the URL to an image representing a screenshot of the specified page. If no argument is passed, it will use the current page.

norska uses it internally for building OpenGraph previews of pages, but you can use it for any URL.

It internally uses microlink to take the screenshot.


As its name implies, the link() method will return the shortest link to the target. It will always return a relative link from the page calling it to the target.

Any target starting with a / is considered relative to the ./src root, otherwise it's handled as relative to the file doing the link.


This helper will return true if the target is the same as the page calling the method. It's smart enough to understand all variations of target (with or without final index.html, relative or absolute paths, etc).

Use this to style links to the current page, for example.

img(pathOrUrl, [options])

The img() method can be used to get the URL of any image (either local or remote). The options argument can be used to pass additional transformation to the image.

If you just need to display an <img> tag, you should use the +img() mixin instead. It accepts the exact same arguments, but will also lazy load the image for you.